BreadcrumbA navigation component for displaying a route trail. The Breadcrumb component is used to display a trail of links representing the current page's location within a navigational hierarchy. It supports dropdowns for subcategories and can be customized with different sizes and separators. Install the Apsara library from the terminal.
npm install @raystack/apsara
Import and usage.
      { label: 'Home', href: '/' },
      { label: 'Category', href: '/category' },
      { label: 'Subcategory', href: '/category/subcategory' },
      { label: 'Current Page', href: '/category/subcategory/current' }
The Breadcrumb component accepts the following props:
  • items: Array of breadcrumb items with the following structure:
    • label: Text to display for the item (string)
    • href: URL for the item link (string)
    • icon: Optional icon element to display (ReactNode)
    • dropdownItems: Optional array of dropdown items, each with label and href
  • size: Size variant of the breadcrumb ("small" | "medium", default: "medium")
  • maxVisibleItems: Maximum number of items to display before showing ellipsis (number)
  • separator: Custom separator between items (ReactNode, default: "/")
  • onItemClick: Callback function when an item is clicked (Function)
  • className: Custom CSS class names
The Breadcrumb component supports different sizes to fit various design requirements. You can specify the size using the size prop.
You can customize the separator between breadcrumb items using the separator prop.
Breadcrumb items can include dropdowns for additional navigation options.
Breadcrumb items can include icons either alongside text or as standalone elements.
Control the visibility of breadcrumb items using the maxVisibleItems prop. By default, all items are visible when maxVisibleItems is not specified.